Saraswati Day

19 August 2021

Saraswati Day is a special day in Bali celebrating Saraswati the Goddess of Knowledge, which this year falls in Saturday, August 28. Despite modern sciences and technologies currently taking control of the lives of many, the Balinese people still pay homage for the old manuscripts written on lontar (palm leaves) to thank for the ancient wisdom and knowledge the ancestors and the gods have bestowed upon them. It is during Saraswati Day that the sincere people of Bali pray and give offerings as a gesture to express gratitude and celebrate knowledge.The Balinese Hindus in general will also flock to the temples and other holy places during this day. Just like the students, they will bring with them offerings to show gratefulness, for knowledge is something that can free them from darkness.

Hari Saraswati adalah hari istimewa di Bali merayakan Saraswati Dewi Ilmu Pengetahuan, yang tahun ini jatuh pada hari Sabtu, 28 Agustus. Meskipun ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi modern saat ini menguasai kehidupan banyak orang, masyarakat Bali masih memberi penghormatan kepada naskah-naskah kuno yang ditulis pada lontar (daun lontar) untuk berterima kasih atas kebijaksanaan dan pengetahuan kuno yang telah dianugerahkan para leluhur dan para dewa kepada mereka. Pada Hari Saraswati inilah orang-orang Bali yang tulus berdoa dan memberikan sesajen sebagai tanda terima kasih dan merayakan pengetahuan. Umat Hindu Bali pada umumnya juga akan berduyun-duyun ke pura dan tempat suci lainnya selama hari ini. Seperti halnya para siswa, mereka akan membawa sesajen untuk menunjukkan rasa syukur, karena pengetahuan adalah sesuatu yang dapat membebaskan mereka dari kegelapan.


Saraswati Day is a special day in Bali celebrating Saraswati the Goddess of Knowledge, which this year falls in Saturday, August 28. Despite modern sciences and technologies currently taking control of the lives of many, the Balinese people still pay homage for the old manuscripts written on lontar (palm leaves) to thank for the ancient wisdom and knowledge the ancestors and the gods have bestowed upon them. It is during Saraswati Day that the sincere people of Bali pray and give offerings as a gesture to express gratitude and celebrate knowledge.The Balinese Hindus in general will also flock to the temples and other holy places during this day. Just like the students, they will bring with them offerings to show gratefulness, for knowledge is something that can free them from darkness.

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