Prime Plaza Hotel - Sanur Bali E-news | July 2018 |
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Warmest greetings from the Island of Gods...! Welcome to our July E-newsletter with updates on what's happening around Bali and at Prime Plaza Hotel - Sanur Bali. The year is racing on by and before you know it, you will be planning another Christmas holiday with us!
Read on and you will find information about the 13th Sanur Village Festival, an event you shouldn’t miss. There’s also a SPActacular offer from our spa. The Bali International Choir Festival is Back! This year’s festival is a lot bigger than the previous ones. It’s time for a tee off! Experience one of the best golf course on the island.
We have some great rates available, remember to check out our website for details! www.spph.pphotels.com
The 13th Sanur Village Festival
The Sanur Village Festival has become a major attraction in Bali, the main aim of the festival is to expose Sanur as a tourist destination by showcasing the Balinese culture at the same time attracting visitors from various countries. After the success in previous years, the organizer of the event is planning to make this year's event even better and bigger than before.
For 2018 the theme is "Mandala Giri" which means, “circle and mountain.” For the Balinese mountain represents the head, orienting to spirit and culture. The Sanur Village Festival will run from August the 22 – 28, 2018 located at the Matahari Terbit beach, just minutes away from Prime Plaza Hotel – Sanur Bali. The Festival will showcase an array of events and activities such as paintings exhibitions, clean up the beach campaign, coral planting, food bazaar, live music, culture shows, cycling tours are just a few to mention.
So save the dates and don’t miss one of the biggest cultural festivals in Bali!
Sanur Village Festival telah menjadi daya tarik utama dalam kalender event di Bali. Tujuan utama dari festival ini adalah untuk mengekspos Sanur sebagai tujuan wisata dengan menampilkan unsur budaya Bali dan pada saat yang bersamaan juga menarik pengunjung dari berbagai negara. Setelah sukses pada festival tahun sebelumnya, penyelenggara acara ini berencana untuk membuat acara tahun ini lebih baik dan lebih besar dari sebelumnya.
Tema tahun ini adalah "Mandala Giri" yang mencerminkan puncak semangat dan jiwa budaya . Selama 7 hari penuh, dari tanggal 22-28 Agustus 2018, Sanur Village Festival akan diselenggarakan di pantai matahari Terbit, hanya beberapa menit dari Prime Plaza Hotel - Sanur Bali. Festival ini akan menampilkan berbagai acara dan kegiatan seperti pameran lukisan, membersihkan pantai, penanaman karang, bazaar kuliner, konser musik, parade budaya, Sanur expo kreatif, tur bersepeda di daerah Sanur, tantangan kuliner, festival layang-layang Internasional, program perawatan lingkungan , kompetisi surfing dan masih banyak lagi.
Jadi jangan lewatkan salah satu festival budaya terbesar di Bali!
SPActaculer Offer From Our Spa.
The Spa at Prime Plaza Hotel - Sanur Bali offers both traditional massages and beauty and healing treatments. The exotic facial, body and massage treatments are based on the ancient beauty, healing and rejuvenation secrets of various Asian cultures, although predominately Balinese traditions are featured.
It is about the total sensory experience - beauty and refinement in all that is seen, heard, touched, smelled and tasted. It is about attention to detail, caring and graceful service, exquisite products in a relaxed environment.
The spa is offering a special 20% discount on wellness spa packages. For bookings and more information please dial +62 361 281781 or e-mail to: radspa@eksadata.com.
Spa di Prime Plaza Hotel - Sanur Bali menawarkan pijat tradisional, perawatan kecantikan& kesehatanyang dilakukan oleh therapist kami yang berpengalaman.
Perawatan wajah dan tubuh serta pijat tradisional didasarkan atas rahasia kecantikan dan kesehatan kuno dari berbagai budaya di Asia, terutama Bali. Ini mengenai pengalaman indrawi-keindahandan perawatan dalam segala hal yang terlihat, terdengar, tersentuh, tercium dan terasa. Semuanya tentang perhatian terhadap detail, layanan dengan kepedulian, produk yang menawan, dan lingkungan yang menenangkan.
Spa kami memberikan penawaran menarik berupa diskon 20% untuk paket spa wellness. Untuk reservasi dan informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi (0361) 281781 atau e-mail ke: radspa@eksadata.com.
The 7th Bali International Choir Festival
The 7th Bali International Choir Festival was held at the Griya Agung Ballroom at the Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur - Bali. Each year the event is organized by Bandung Choral Society with over 16 different countries attending.
Mr. Tommyanto Kandisaputra, the President of Bandung Choral Society and head of the Bali International Choir Festival mentioned that the 7th festival attracted more participants from various choir communities in Indonesia and other country. For 5 full days the participants sung to their hearts content with amazing voicing filling the hallways of the hotel.
The festival was a huge success and congratulations to the winners! Rina Lestari our event coordinator commented “it was an honor to be associated with such a prestigious International event,” Bali with its warm hospitality is still considered one of the best destinations in Indonesia to host events. You too can hold your event with help from our professional team. For any MICE inquires, please feel free to contact +62 361 281781 or e-mail to: mice@sanur.pphotels.com or visit our website for more information about our meeting facilities:www.spph.pphotels.com Our team will be more than happy to assist you in making your event a great success.
Bali International choir Festival” ke-7 diadakan di Griya Agung Ballroom, Prime Plaza Hotel – Sanur Bali. Festival ini diselenggarakan oleh Bandung Choral Society yang juga telah menyelenggarakan 6 acara sebelumnya.
Bapak Tommyanto Kandisaputra, Presiden Bandung Choral Society dan Bali International Choir Festival menyebutkan bahwa festival ke-7 akan menarik lebih banyak peserta dari berbagai komunitas paduan suara di Indonesia dan negara lain. Selama 5 hari penuh para peserta dengan suara malaikat mereka akan berkompetisi dalam beberapa kategori. Festival ini berlangsung dengan sukses dan rekan kami yang membantu penyelenggaraannya, Rina Lestari mengatakan bahwa mereka sangat senang dapat membantu acara internasional bergengsi seperti ini.
Bali dengan keramahannya yang hangat masih menjadi tujuan utama wisata di Indonesia. Anda juga dapat menyelenggarakan acara anda dengan bantuan dari tim profesional kami. Untuk pertanyaan mengenai MICE, silahkan menghubungi +62 361 281781 atau e-mail ke: mice@sanur.pphotels.com. Kunjungi situs web kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang fasilitas pertemuan kami: www.spph.pphotels.com. Tim kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda.
Looking For Something To Do In Bali? Bali Beach Golf Course
Calling all golfers! The Bali Beach Golf Course is just a few minutes walk from the Prime Plaza Hotel – Sanur Bali. This 9-hole course is open 7 days a week from 7am to 11pm (driving range only as it is a bit dark).
The course offers complete golf facilities such as A proshop, locker rooms, night driving range, caddies, lounge and restaurant, executive room, private golf lessons with a professional golfing instructors. Prime Plaza Hotel is offering an exclusive deals for a round of golf at the Bali Beach Golf Course. Please contact our reception for more details.
Bali Beach Golf Course
Jalan Hang Tuah no 58, Sanur-Bali
Bagi para pecinta golf, sekarang waktunya untuk tee off! Bali Beach Golf Course, hanya beberapa menit berjalan kaki dari Prime Plaza Hotel – Sanur Bali. Lapangan golf dengan 9 holes ini adalah salah satu yang terbaik di pulau Bali dan sangat mudah dijangkau dari jalan utama. Buka 7 hari seminggu dari jam 7 pagi hingga 11 malam, tempat ini menawarkan fasilitas golf lengkap.
Dari Proshop, ruang loker, driving range malam, caddy, lounge dan restoran, ruang eksekutif, pelajaran golf pribadi dengan instruktur golf profesional, semua yang anda butuhkan untuk bermain golf ada di sini. Prime Plaza Hotel - Sanur Bali menawarkan penawaran eksklusif untuk bermain golf di Bali Beach Golf Course. Silahkan menghubungi resepsionis kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Bali Beach Golf Course
Jalan Hang Tuah no 58, Sanur-Bali
Guests Review
Check out a review that was recently posted on TripAdvisor. To post a review and read more reviews, please visit our TripAdvisor page.
1. “Wonderful” by Gung S
The service at lobby was very welcoming. Check in was very quick and all the information was provided and explained. The room very clean and cozy.
The manager was very kind too. She is very friendly and helpful.
2. "Great Stuff" by mariakapoor1966
Lovely holiday . We had an upgrade of our room. Good buffet breakfast. Nice pool and surrounds. The manager Dendi was very helpful. Thank you Dendi.Free Wi fi. Excellent service. A nice relaxing experience.
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Di bawah ini merupakan ulasan untuk Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur yang baru-baru ini di unggah di Trip Advisor.
1. "Hebat" oleh Gung S
Layanan di resepsionis sangat hangat dan baik. Proses check in sangat cepat dan semua informasi yang dibutuhkan disediakan dan dijelaskan. Kamarnya sangat bersih dan nyaman. Manajer juga sangat baik. Dia sangat ramah dan membantu.
2. "Sangat Hebat" oleh mariakapoor1966
Liburan yang menyenangkan. kamar kami di upgrade. Sarapan prasmanan yang enak. Kolam dan lingkungan sekitarnya bagus. Manajer nya, Dendi sangat membantu. Terima kasih Dendi. Wi fi gratis, pelayanan yang prima. Pengalaman yang sangat menyenangkan.
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