October 2019

Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur - Bali E-news | October 2019 Connect With Us

Warmest greetings from Bali and welcome to our October e-newsletter with updates on what's happening around Bali and at the Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur - Bali. 

Read on and you will find updated information about Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2019. Ngurah Rai International Airport is implementing an auto gate system for visitors from 12 different countries. Don’t miss our spa wellness package at our Spa. Looking for something to do in Bali? Start your engines and get ready to embark on a journey into the jungle on an ATV.

The Christmas holiday season is just around the corner, and with great weather at the moment; it's certainly a great time to travel to Bali.  Keep an eye to our website for more offers: spph.pphotels.com 



Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2019

The Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, South East Asia’s leading festival of literatures will soon kick off in October. The Festival celebrates extraordinary stories, amplifies brave voices, and tackles global issues through the lens of literature and the arts. The Festival brings together a diverse mix of Indonesian and international writers, speakers, thinkers, artists, advocates, commentators and activists, to create a space for cross-cultural dialogue and connection.

The 16th UWRF will be held on 23–27 October 2019, celebrating the theme “Karma” a Hindu philosophy that’s known universally which means “what goes around comes around”. For many in the west, karma is simplified as justice served. The Festival is a platform for meaningful exchange and cross-cultural dialogue. A place where artists and audiences alike can discuss shared inspirations, ideas and concerns, the Festival transcends cultural and geographical borders to create a truly global community.

Lining up well known International and Indonesian authors, motion pictures creator and art performers, such as: Adriaan Van Dis, HM naqvi, Garin Nugroho, Idanna Pucci, and many more. The 5 days festival will be more than just a literary escape as there will be also film screenings, literary lunches, cocktail soirees, walking tours and more. Click  here to check their programs; tickets are also available for online purchasing.

The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival is the major annual project of the not-for-profit foundation, the Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati. It was first conceived of by Janet DeNeefe, co-founder of the Foundation, as a healing project in response to the first Bali bombing. Held annually in Ubud, Bali's artistic and cultural heartland, the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival has become Southeast Asia's largest and most renowned cultural and literary event. The mission of Ubud Writers & Readers Festival is to create a world-class festival that celebrates extraordinary stories and amplifies brave voices while trying to tackle global issues.


Ubud Writers dan Readers Festival (atau yang disingkat UWRF) akan diadakan kembali di bulan Oktober. UWRF merupakan festival sastra terkemuka di Asia Tenggara yang membahas tentang karya - karya sastra dan isu global melalui karya seni sastra.

Festival ini akan menampilkan pembicara, penulis, cendikiawan, seniman, komentator serta aktivis  nasional maupun  internasioal dalam sebuah dialog lintas budaya.

UWRF yang ke-16 ini akan diselenggarakan dari tanggal 23 sampai 27 Oktober 2019. Tema yang diambil adalah "Karma".

Adapun para penulis dan seniman yang akan hadir pada acara ini antara lain: Adriaan Van Dis, HM Naqvi, Garin Nugroho, Idanna Pucci, dan masih banyak lagi. Pada festival ini juga akan diadakan pemutaran film, makan siang bersama para penulis, soirees koktail, tour wisata dan banyak lagi. Klik disini untuk melihat daftar program UWRF; Tiket juga tersedia untuk pembelian online.

Ubud Writers & Readers Festival merupakan festival tahunan yang diadakan oleh organisasi  non-profit, Yayasan Mudra Swari Saraswati. Festival ini pertama kali dicetus oleh Janet DeNeefe, wakil pendiri Yayasan, sebagai usaha pemulihan pariwisata Bali pasca bom Bali pertama. Diadakan setiap tahun di Ubud, jantung seni dan budaya Bali, Ubud Writers & Readers Festival telah menjadi event budaya dan sastra terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Misi dari Ubud Writers & Readers Festival adalah untuk menciptakan sebuah festival kelas dunia untuk merayakan karya sastra yang luar biasa.



Auto Gate System at Ngurah Rai International Airport

Travelers From 12 Different Countries Can Now Use an Auto Gate System at Ngurah Rai International Airport. The new technology will enable faster and more accurate immigration services for travelers. 
The new system is expected to gradually replace the manual checks and verifications of passports done by immigration officials.

When It was first launched in 2014, the auto gate system service in Indonesia was available only for the Indonesian’s citizens. Now visitors for 12 different countries can now enjoy this service, they are: All ASEAN countries plus Australia, New Zealand and East Timor. In the meantime, the facility is only available at the departure halls.


Wisatawan Dari 12 Negara sekarang bisa menggunakan sistem Auto Gate di Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai. Teknologi baru ini akan memungkinkan layanan imigrasi yang lebih cepat dan lebih akurat bagi para wisatawan.
Sistem baru ini diharapkan secara bertahap menggantikan cek manual dan verifikasi paspor yang dilakukan oleh petugas imigrasi.

Ketika pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2014, layanan sistem autogate di Indonesia hanya tersedia untuk warga negara Indonesia. Sekarang pengunjung dari 12 negara dapat menikmati layanan ini, mereka berasal dari: negara-negara ASEAN, Australia, Selandia Baru dan Timor Leste. Sementara itu, fasilitas ini untuk sementara hanya tersedia di area keberangkatan.



Spa Wellness Package Promotion

Our spa offers traditional massage, beauty and healing treatments administered with nurturing mindfulness by gifted hands. The exotic facial, body and massage treatments are based on the ancient beauty, healing and rejuvenation secrets of various Asian cultures, blend it with a touch of Balinese traditions.  It  is about the total sensory experience - beauty and refinement in all that is seen, heard, touched, smelled and tasted.  It is about attention to detail, caring and graceful service, exquisite products, and a relaxed environment.

Our happy hour(s) promotion is from 10am to 2pm daily. Buy 1 wellness package and receive 1 x one-hour treatment (terms and conditions apply). For more information and reservations, please send your inquiry to: radspa@eksadata.com or dial +62 361 281781.


Spa kami menawarkan pijat tradisional, perawatan dan kecantikan yang di lakukan oleh therapist kami yang berpengalaman. Perawatan wajah dan tubuh serta pijat tradisional  didasarkan atasrahasia kecantikan dan kesehatan kuno dari berbagai budaya di Asia, terutama Bali. Ini mengenai pengalaman indrawi-keindahandan perawatan dalam segala hal yang terlihat, terdengar, tersentuh, tercium dan terasa. Semuanya tentang perhatian terhadap detail, layanan dengan kepedulian, produk yang menawan, dan lingkungan yang menenangkan.

Spa kami dengan senang hati menawarkan promosi pada jam tertentu, dari jam 10 pagi hingga 2 siang setiap hari. Beli 1 paket wellness, dapatkan gratis 1 perawatan satu jam (syarat dan ketentuan berlaku). Untuk informasi dan pemesanan lebih lanjut, silakan kirim pertanyaan Anda ke: radspa@eksadata.com atau telepon +62 361 281781.



Looking For Something To Do in Bali? Jungle Buggies

Mason Adventures has received multiple awards for their activities and services. One of the activities that certainly will be fun to try is Jungle Buggies, Bali’s first and only purpose-built ATV track. This thrilling new course, spanning 5km over each lap, was crafted with the hardiest adventure seekers in mind to provide an exciting and intense driving experience like no other on the island.

Utilizing fully-protected Polaris Buggies, guests have the option of choosing between single-seated models or to ride tandem with a friend or guide in double-seated models, as well as deciding the amount of laps to complete. The challenging and varied trail will make you feel like a rally driver, testing your capabilities and leaving you yearning for more. 

An exclusive offer is available for Jungle Buggies at Mason Adventure, please contact our reception for more details.


Mason Adventures telah menerima banyak penghargaan untuk aktivitas dan layanan mereka. Salah satu kegiatan yang pasti akan menyenangkan untuk dicoba adalah Jungle Buggies, trek ATV pertama dan satu-satunya yang dibuat khusus di Bali. Permainan baru yang mendebarkan ini sepanjang 5 km di setiap lap, dirancang bagi mereka yang menyukai petualangan, memberikan pengalaman berkendara yang menyenangkan dan intens. 

Dengan menggunakan Polaris Buggies yang terlindungi sepenuhnya, para tamu diberikan pilihan untuk memilih mengendarai ATV sendiril atau mengendarai tandem bersama teman atau pemandu, serta memutuskan jumlah putaran yang harus diselesaikan. Lap yang menantang dan bervariasi akan membuat Anda merasa seperti seorang pembalap, menguji kemampuan Anda dan membuat Anda mendambakan lebih.

Penawaran eksklusif tersedia untuk Jungle Buggies di Mason Adventure, silakan hubungi bagian penerima tamu kami untuk lebih jelasnya.



Guests’ Review

Check out a review that was recently posted on TripAdvisor. To post a review and read more reviews, please visit our TripAdvisor page

1. “Best Bali Visit Ever” by sskkk90
“Best hotel staff, comfortable rooms, great service, fantastic food and awesome spa! This hotel had everything you could need during a holiday, from a great pool to spa to fitness center, to great food to tasty room service”
2. “Mr and Mrs” By Herman
Everything is excellent, stuff, food etc. There is no words to describe it. Front Office staff very friendly and smile . Good hospitality. All quick action and respond. Shuttle bus was good and clean. Room is clean. Food also good. We Will be back here.
How would you rate us?  
Enter your experience here: Click Here


Di bawah ini merupakan ulasan untuk Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur yang baru-baru ini di unggah di Trip Advisor.

1. "Liburan di Bali Yang Terbaik" oleh sskkk90
“Staf hotel terbaik, kamar yang nyaman, layanan sangat bagus, makanan yang fantastis, dan spa yang luar biasa! Hotel ini memiliki semua yang Anda butuhkan selama liburan, dari kolam besar hingga spa, pusat kebugaran, hingga makanan lezat hingga layanan kamar”.

2. "Tuan dan Nyonya" Oleh Herman

Semuanya sangat baik, barang-barang, makanan dll. Tidak ada kata-kata untuk menggambarkannya.
Staf Front Office sangat ramah dan tersenyum. Semua tindakan cepat dan merespons. Shuttle busnya bagus dan bersih. Kamarnya bersih. Makanannya juga enak. Kami akan kembali ke sini.

Bagaimana Anda menilai kami? Bagi pengalaman Anda disini : Klik Disini



Jl. Hang Tuah 46, Sanur, Bali-Indonesia

+62 361 281781 +62 361 289166 reservation@sanur.pphotels.com

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