October 2021

Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur - Bali E-news | October 2021 Connect With Us

Warmest greetings from Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur,

Travel culture and a passion for seeing new places will hopefully prevail entering the month of October, so keep dreaming about your future getaways to the Island of the Gods, Bali. The island is transforming into a cleaner and even more beautiful spot whilst the world is resting.

For ladies planning a meeting for their Arisan routine, we have you covered. Reconnect with all of your friends, families, or relatives with our Arisan Package and get access to venue and delicious food.

Stay in touch on our social media via Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok, where we post regular photos and updates to keep you connected. For further information about all of our promotions and special offers, please visit our website spph.pphotels.com or email us at reservation@sanur.pphotels.com

Here at Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur, the leading four-star resort in Bali, we strive to deliver the best service.


About Peduli Lindungi Application

Peduli Lindungi is an application developed to assist the government in tracking to stop the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).This application relies on community participation to share location data with each other while traveling so that contact history tracing with COVID-19 patients can be carried out. Users of this application will also get a notification if they are in a crowd or are in a red zone, namely an area or village where it has been recorded that there are people infected with positive COVID-19 or there are patients under surveillance. We want all guests to stay safe by downloading this application before checking in the resort.

Peduli Lindungi adalah aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk membantu pemerintah dalam pelacakan untuk menghentikan penyebaran Coronavirus (COVID-19). Aplikasi ini mengandalkan partisipasi masyarakat untuk saling berbagi data lokasi saat bepergian sehingga penelusuran riwayat kontak dengan pasien COVID-19 dapat dilakukan. Pengguna aplikasi ini juga akan mendapatkan notifikasi jika sedang berada di keramaian atau berada di zona merah yaitu suatu daerah yang tercatat ada orang yang terinfeksi COVID-19 atau ada pasien dalam pengawasan. Kami ingin semua tamu tetap aman dengan mengunduh aplikasi ini sebelum check-in di hotel.



Sanur Village Escape

Sanur Beach is the quiet, tranquil side of Bali. It’s also the only area in Bali with 5 kilometers of uninterrupted beach — perfect for walking along the coast, swimming, and exploring. Compared to more popular tourism areas, Sanur maintains a boutique village feeling, where buildings are still low-rise, local shops, cafes thrive and the beach is wide and peaceful. One of the first tourist destinations on the island, Sanur has been hosting visitors since the 1920s, attracting tourists, celebrities, and artists, and its glittering history is one of the reasons Bali became a destination in the first place. Play and explore in Sanur with our weekend Sanur Escape Package at Prime Plaza Hotels Sanur. The package starts from IDR 375,000 nett/night, room only, and at IDR 475.000 nett/night/room includes breakfast for 2 persons in Pool View room, discounts on Food & Beverages, guest activities, and free access to camp Splash with waterslide at our sister property Prime Plaza Suites Sanur, this exceptional offer is just too good to pass up. Valid for stays immediate until December 27, 2021. For more information, please contact our reservation at reservation@sanur.pphotels.com or WhatsApp us at +62 811 3977 007.

Pantai Sanur merupakan salah satu pantai paling  tenang dari Bali. Pantai Sanur juga satu-satunya daerah di Bali dengan pantai sepanjang 5 kilometer. Tempat yang sempurna untuk berjalan santai di sepanjang pantai, berenang, dan bersepeda. Dibandingkan dengan daerah wisata lainnya, Sanur mempertahankan nuansa pedesaan, di mana bangunan masih bertingkat rendah, toko-toko lokal dan kafe berkembang pesat serta pantainya luas dan tenang. Sebagai salah satu tujuan wisata pertama di pulau Bali, Sanur telah menjadi tuan rumah bagi para wisatawan sejak tahun 1920-an. Keindahan alam dan budayanya menarik wisatawan, selebriti dan seniman. Saatnya Anda menjelajahi Sanur dengan memesan paket Sanur Escape di  Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur.. Paket mulai dari Rp 375.000 nett/malam, tanpa sarapan dan Rp 475.000 nett/malam/kamar sudah termasuk sarapan pagi untuk 2 orang di kamar Pool View, diskon makanan dan minuman, aktivitas tamu dan akses gratis ke camp Splash dengan seluncuran air di  Prime Plaza Suites Sanur. Penawaran luar biasa ini  berlaku untuk masa inap hingga 27 Desember 2021. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi reservasi kami di reservasi@sanur.pphotels.com atau WhatsApp kami di +62 811 3977 007.



Paket Arisan

Prime Plaza Hotels Sanur offers Arisan, an Indonesian tradition where ladies of all ages gather together over a meal, for guests who want to spend quality time with their family, friends, or relatives. The price starts from IDR 700,000 net per person for food and beverage including access to hotel facilities such as pool, restaurant, parking, and of course its ideal location in the heart of Sanur. Guest can order a set menu for minimum of 10 people with an option of traditional or international cuisine. For more information contact our reservation at reservation@sanur.pphotels.com or WhatsApp us at +62 811 3977 007.

Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur menawarkan Paket Arisan, sebuah tradisi di Indonesia di mana para wanita dari segala usia berkumpul bersama sambil makan dan mengobrol.  Bagi para tamu yang ingin menghabiskan waktu berkualitas bersama keluarga, teman, atau kerabat, paket arisan kami mulai dari Harga Rp 700.000 untuk 10 orang. Paket ini sudah termasuk:  makanan dan minuman, akses fasilitas hotel seperti kolam renang, restoran, parkir, dan tentunya lokasinya yang ideal di jantung kota Sanur. Tamu dapat memesan set menu untuk minimal 10 orang dengan pilihan masakan khas Indonesia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi reservasi kami di reservation@sanur.pphotels.com atau WhatsApp kami di +62 811 3977 007.



Tumpek Uduh

Tumpek Uduh also known as Tumpek Wariga or Tumpek Pengatag devoted to Sanghyang Sangkara, Lord of all food - plants when blessing ceremony is given to them for good crops and products, held at every plantation and farm throughout the island. Hindus in Bali commemorated Tumpek Uduh every 210 days in Balinese calendar.The God of Sangkara bestowed and keeping the plants and trees alive and fertile, avoiding them from pests or anything that can damage them. Thus, it will produce abundant benefits for human life.

Tumpek Uduh juga dikenal sebagai Tumpek Wariga atau Tumpek Pengatag yang didedikasikan untuk Sanghyang Sangkara, Dewa dari semua tanaman. Upacara pemberkatan biasanya diberikan dilakukan di setiap perkebunan dan pertanian di seluruh pulau Bali. Umat Hindu di Bali memperingati Tumpek Uduh setiap 210 hari dalam kalender Bali. Dewa Sangkara menganugerahkan dan menjaga tanaman dan pohon agar tetap hidup dan subur, menghindarinya dari hama atau apa pun yang dapat merusaknya. Sehingga akan menghasilkan manfaat yang melimpah bagi kehidupan manusia.



Jl. Hang Tuah 46, Sanur, Bali-Indonesia

+62 361 281781 +62 361 289166 reservation@sanur.pphotels.com

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